ABC Legal’s Ongoing Response to Covid-19 and Phased Reopening

Jun 4, 2020 3 min read
ABC Legal Services

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ABC Legal Services
Trusted by over 50,000 professionals, ABC Legal is America’s leading process server. Our cloud-based system seamlessly streamlines document delivery across all devices. With a network of 3,000+ servers spanning 50 states and 77 countries, our platform provides real-time updates for our 6 million+ annual attempts, enhancing transparency, compliance, and reliability.

OUR PRIORITY REMAINS: Deliver Safe and Responsible Service to our Customers

As the leading provider of process service nationwide, ABC Legal values the trust our customers place in us. From the moment we halted process service on March 27th, our mission has been to safely resume service as judiciously and well-timed as possible.

We want to assure ABC Legal customers--we are successfully navigating this nationally phased return to service landscape, and have prioritized the health and safety of process servers and the public while simultaneously safeguarding the reputation of our customers.

ABC Legal takes our role in this industry seriously. As we resume service, we’ve identified 3 critical requirements needed for safe and responsible service of process during Covid-19:

  1. Serving process must be safe and not spread the virus.
  2. Law firms should control which cases to resume when.
  3. Process servers should not face penalties for serving.

With over 2,000 legal process servers throughout the United States, our workforce is emerging stronger, and better prepared for this new landscape. In order to reduce the transmission risk of COVID-19 on process servers and the communities they serve, ABC Legal developed an industry leading Safe Service Procedure and our Covid-19 response page.

Additionally, as part of this structured return to service we have added three new features to the ABC Mobile app that will improve your service rate and make your proofs of service even more sound. This includes safe service, residency indicators and non-residency indicators.

We’ve implemented a Covid-19 safe service training program for our process servers including these 9 Points of Importance and provided replenishable Covid-19 safety-kits, ensuring a safe return to service. Read the story of how ABC Legal procured the supplies process servers need to get back in the field, without impacting medical supply chains here.

For service requests that were suspended to protect process servers and the public during Covid-19--learn how to find and manage jobs suspended by Covid-19 here. ABC Legal has built tools to help you:

With these safety practices, training procedures, technology updates and valuable resources customers can rest assured--ABC Legal remains committed and capable of delivering safe and responsible service of process during this phased return.

ABC Legal Services

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ABC Legal Services
Trusted by over 50,000 professionals, ABC Legal is America’s leading process server. Our cloud-based system seamlessly streamlines document delivery across all devices. With a network of 3,000+ servers spanning 50 states and 77 countries, our platform provides real-time updates for our 6 million+ annual attempts, enhancing transparency, compliance, and reliability.
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Service made simple—down the road and across the country. Join the 50,000+ professionals who trust ABC Legal for service of process.

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