How to Find and Manage Jobs Suspended during Covid-19

Apr 24, 2020 5 min read
Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.

Many service requests were suspended to protect process servers and the public during Covid-19.  The progress of each service request that was received or active during the temporary suspension of service has been paused by a new Action Item.  We understand that each client and firm will make unique decisions about when to responsibly resume service.   Your direction is required for service to continue.

We’ve built tools to help you:

  1. identify jobs on hold,
  2. understand whether they can be reactivated, and
  3. reactivate or cancel individually or as a batch.

How do I find jobs on hold?

Jobs on hold are split into two Action Item types:

  • Covid-19 - Waiting for Your Direction – These jobs are in areas where ABC has resumed service activities. You can reactivate these through the action item, or by sending us a list.
  • Covid-19 – Service Suspended in This Region – These jobs are in areas where ABC has not resumed service. These cannot be reactivated, but you may cancel them.

To find jobs in each category:

  1. Log in to
  2. Choose Action Item Report from the Reports drop-down:Action Item Report
  3. Choose the action item category you’re interested in, then click Run Report.Action Item Types
  • To download a full list of held jobs, click Export Report to Excel. If the list has more than 150 results, you’ll receive it by email. Otherwise it will download in your browser.Download Report
  • Click the Action Items tab in the excel report to see all held jobs under the action item you selected.Excel Tabs


How will I know when my jobs are eligible to be reactivated?

Whenever ABC Legal Services reactivates an area for service of process, we’ll update the status of all jobs to be served in that area.

The Action Item will change automatically,


Covid-19 – Service Suspended in This Region


Covid-19 - Waiting for You Direction

Each job will be updated every night, so you’ll see each day if any more jobs have become eligible.


How Do I Reactivate my Jobs?

Option 1. Individually

  1. Use the steps above to pull up your list of Covid-19 - Waiting for You Direction action items.
  2. Click the Reference # of the job you want to reactivate, highlighted in Green in this screenshot:manage jobs
  3. Your browser should take you right to the action item. Select either Cancel Service or Resume Service, then click submit:manage jobs
  • We’ll take it from here!


Option 2: Batch Reactivation/Cancellation

If you have many jobs to reactivate or cancel, or want to reactivate or cancel every job possible, send us a list and we’ll take care of it!

  1. Log in to
  2. Choose Action Item Report from the Reports dropdown:
    manage jobs
  3. Choose Covid-19 – Waiting for Your Direction and click “Run Report”.
    manage jobs
  4. Click Export Report to Excel to download the full list of held jobs. If the list has more than 150 results, you’ll receive it by email. Otherwise it will download in your browser.
  5. Click the Action Items tab in the excel report to see all held jobs under the action item you selected.
    action items tab
  6. Delete jobs from the list that you don’t want to Reactivate or Cancel
  7. Save the report.
  8. Email the saved report to your account manager, or to and specify whether you want the included files canceled or reactivated.
Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.
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