Open for Service in 47 States

May 18, 2020 2 min read
Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.

ABC Legal is now accepting new and resumed service requests in 47 states and we continue to monitor legal risks to process servers in the locations that remain suspended, including California and New York City.

Remember that you are in control over when and where to resume service.  Your action is required to restart your suspended cases.  Learn how.

So far 1,299 process servers have completed safety training and are back in the field serving your urgent cases using our safe service procedure. Their feedback from the field is that:

  1. Service from 6-feet away works
  2. It wouldn't without sealed documents (especially in bad weather)
  3. Respondents appreciate the extra space

When the time comes to request or resume service, here are resources to help:  

Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.
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