Illinois Venue Selection & E-filing by API, Estimated Service Dates & More

May 13, 2019 3 min read
Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.

Release Notes is our semi-weekly update that highlights recent process service and e-filing improvements so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

Calculate Court Venues in Illinois

You can now calculate the correct court for civil filings in Illinois, including the municipal districts in Cook County (pictured). Calculations can be made individually or by batch by uploading a data file and downloading results. Access court venue search from the reports menu after logging in.

illinois venue map

File by API in Illinois

ABC Legal is a certified electronic filing service provider in Illinois and is now submitting e-filings directly to Illinois courts without requiring customers to complete web forms. This means lower costs, fewer rejections, and faster e-filings. Need help e-filing in Illinois? Contact Us.


See the Estimated Service Date for Each Job

The progress tracker now shows you an estimated service date based on when the process server received your case and how long services usually take in that area.

estimated service date


Persist...with Pluries

We simplified the process of e-filing a Florida alias summons earlier this year by creating and e-filing the alias for you. Now we've extended the same solution for a pluries summons, so you can persist until a hard-to-serve individual is served.

Sean Lee-Siebels

Written by 

Sean Lee-Siebels
Sean started working at ABC Legal Services in 2005 and has managed several teams including customer service, product management, process improvement, software development and marketing. Sean’s objective at ABC Legal is to save legal professionals time.
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