Coffee Break Chat With Docketly: Upcoming Webinar Series

Aug 30, 2022 3 min read
Clay Dinehart

Written by 

Clay Dinehart
Digital Marketing Strategist, ABC Legal Services. Clay uses his creativity to build enjoyable online journeys for customers to find solutions that fit their needs. Dedicated to outstanding user experiences, he is always looking for ways to improve digital interactions.

Thinking about success

What does success look like to you and your firm? Is it increasing capacity to take on more cases or freeing up time so you and your team can focus more on large cases? Maybe it’s creating a better work life balance so you can spend more time with your loved ones. No matter what your goals may be, Docketly has solutions designed to help any firm achieve and exceed their own metric of success.

Time and time again we have helped enable our partners to maximize their account liquidation by freeing up valuable personnel and scheduling staff time. Over the last decade, we have had the privilege of gathering stories of client success and are excited to share them with you. Join us for our new series, and attend a Coffee Break Chat with Docketly!

What exactly is Docketly?

Appearance counsel made simple. A subsidiary company of ABC Legal, Docketly connects law firms to vetted and qualified appearance attorneys to appear on their behalf. We make the process quick and seamless for both law firms, and attorneys in our network using a proprietary system developed in house. Firms simply post a hearing, and Docketly’s system selects the right attorney for your case from a network of 10,000+ qualified and vetted appearance attorneys, available in all 50 states. Experience the same great level of service you are accustomed to with ABC Legal at Docketly.

Coffee Break with Docketly Chat

Coffee Break Chat with Docketly

Join Jana, Jill, and Nicole from Docketly’s Customer Success team on September 6th, at 10 AM PT as they dive into stories of success. Hear unique ways in which Docketly’s proprietary technology has helped partners meet and exceed their success metrics. What better way is there to enjoy a cup of coffee than to sit back and relax all while gaining valuable insight into how some of the biggest firms in the nation are achieving unseen levels of success?

Come discover what thousands of firms have already learned: Docketly is the solution to help you achieve your appearance goals.

Clay Dinehart

Written by 

Clay Dinehart
Digital Marketing Strategist, ABC Legal Services. Clay uses his creativity to build enjoyable online journeys for customers to find solutions that fit their needs. Dedicated to outstanding user experiences, he is always looking for ways to improve digital interactions.
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