Photo Contest Ending

Aug 19, 2022 2 min read
Aaron Carbullido

Written by 

Aaron Carbullido
As ABC Legal's Media Specialist, Aaron leverages his passion for animation and strong design to create compelling media highlighting the company's quality services and technology. Throughout his tenure at ABC Legal, Aaron has taken on various roles, dedicating significant time to supporting Process Servers and developing educational material to enhance their knowledge and efficiency.

All Said and Done

As the summer season starts to simmer down, we wanted to look back on the results of our photo contest. We began this contest to shine a spotlight on the areas of the United States that see great Service of Process every day. We loved seeing process servers respond at the chance to express themselves and quite frankly, many of us were blown away by the quality. It was through this engagement that their dedication to their work was shown. We hope that we can grow contests like this in the future but, like most things, it must come to an end.

What We Learned

We’d like to extend a huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone that made a submission to our contest and spread the word of our its existence! The contest is officially over, and we are currently reviewing all submissions. If you have submitted a photo, be on the lookout for an email. We will reach out to the winners shortly.

If you didn’t get a chance to enter this time, the opportunity to practice your photo-taking skills is not lost. While we cannot share any official news on it yet, we do have a new project in the works, so stay tuned. If you’re interested, be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on social media. When we’re ready to launch we’ll post there first. 

In closing thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support and take care!

Aaron Carbullido

Written by 

Aaron Carbullido
As ABC Legal's Media Specialist, Aaron leverages his passion for animation and strong design to create compelling media highlighting the company's quality services and technology. Throughout his tenure at ABC Legal, Aaron has taken on various roles, dedicating significant time to supporting Process Servers and developing educational material to enhance their knowledge and efficiency.
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