For small scaled mom and pop landlords to midsize property owners, dealing with evictions and rent delinquencies can be a challenging and time-consuming process. With the rise in eviction cases and increasing financial strains, many property owners are looking for cost-effective alternatives to engaging law firms and turning to small claims courts for assistance.
If you're in a similar situation, this blog is designed to provide you with a guideline of information you need to effectively handle evictions and delinquencies on your own, while still ensuring compliance with the law.
To successfully navigate evictions and rent delinquencies, you'll need to:
1. Understand the service of process rules and tenant rights in your state.
Research what your local county court requires for proper service of process to be completed. A great place to start is your county court's government official website.
2. Find a reliable, experienced process server in your area.
Look into a local, vetted process server with experience in your county or use a service of process provider, like ABC Legal, with nationwide process servers continuously training to stay compliant with your state's rules and regulations.
3. Prepare the necessary legal documents and information for the process server.
With ABC Legal, all that is needed is a quick upload of all the documentation that needs to be served and the address of the individual it needs to reach.
4. Familiarize yourself with any local county requirements or variations in the rules.
Knowing the local county rules and regulations will create a peace-of-mind. As your process server checks in with you, you know if the service is going well or not because you yourself know what needs to occur. The greatest weapon one can wield is knowledge.
5. Learn how to effectively use small claims courts to resolve disputes.
The use of small claims courts in the United States is designed specifically to handle disputes involving relatively small amounts of money. They provide an accessible and affordable avenue for individuals to seek justice without the need for costly legal representation.
The intricacies of service of process varies across states. As every state has its own unique rules and regulations, our aim is to equip you with accurate information to make informed decisions for your property management. By following the above guide, you'll be well-prepared to manage evictions and delinquencies efficiently, saving both time and money.

Written by
Olivia UtleyService made simple—down the road and across the country. Join the 50,000+ professionals who trust ABC Legal for service of process.