Process Server Metrics and Their Significance

Lifetime Resolutions, Star Rating, Monthly Capacity, Acceptance Rate and Why it All Matters!


ABC Legal measures and shares several key metrics related to Process Server Performance that can increase earning potential. You can view these Metrics in ABC Mobile and as part of your monthly Scorecards. These Metrics are key to your continued success as a Process Server with ABC Legal and are an indicator of how well you are meeting customer expectations.

Lifetime Resolutions: This is the total number of Jobs that you, as a Process Server, have resolved throughout your time working with ABC Legal.

Star Rating: Your Star Rating is an average of the past 6 months of individual monthly Scorecards. The Star Rating summarizes your performance relative to other Process Servers in your area, and also compared against our entire nationwide network of Process Servers. There are four major components to your monthly Scorecards.

Successful Service - What frequency did you achieve in effectively delivering the documents?

Speed - Were you able to make attempts in accordance with the expectations set by ABC Legal's customers and agreed upon when you accepted each job?

Requirements - Are you meeting the requirements to report each service or attempt quickly and to provide clear photographs from each attempt?

Proofs - Are you promptly submitting signed Proofs of Service back to ABC Legal?

Monthly Capacity: Your monthly Capacity is the approximate maximum number of jobs that ABC Legal is able to automatically dispatch to you each month. You can sign up for Jobs to be automatically dispatched to you by Claiming Areas in ABC Mobile. Each zip code that you claim displays the number of Jobs that ABC Legal expects to receive each month. This number is based on the number of recent Jobs received, and although generally accurate, can change over time based on the actual work that ABC Legal receives from our clients. You can Claim Areas that sum up to your total Monthly Capacity. 

Acceptance Rate: Your acceptance rate is the number of jobs you accept and complete as a portion of all the jobs you claim and all the jobs sent to your claimed areas.

What factors decrease your acceptance rate?

  • Turning Auto Dispatch “Off”

  • Being suspended

  • Rejecting jobs

  • Requesting that jobs are re-assigned to another process server

During the prior 30 days, ABC sent 45 jobs to your claimed areas, and you claimed 5 jobs in other areas. The total you could have accepted is 45+5 = 50 jobs.

Of these, you rejected 2 jobs, 2 jobs were dispatched to a different process server while you had Auto Dispatch turned  “Off”, and 1 was re-assigned at your request.  You accepted the remaining 45 jobs.

Your acceptance rate is 90% (45 divided by 50).

Why does acceptance rate matter?

The higher your acceptance rate, the more jobs you are completing inside your claimed areas. For you, this means more income with less time and travel expense. For ABC Legal customers, it means jobs are resolved more quickly.

When jobs in your areas are sent to other process servers, you miss out on income in close proximity to your other jobs and ABC Legal customers encounter delays, since it takes time for another process server to claim your job and then they must travel further to resolve it.

Am I required to maintain a certain acceptance rate?

We suggest you maintain a 90% acceptance rate or higher. This will optimize your income and lead to quick resolutions for our customers, but leaves room for occasional time off and rejections.

If this is difficult, try releasing one or more of your areas so you can accept more of the jobs in those that remain.

Areas with a very low acceptance rate may be offered to another process servers who can accept and complete a larger share of the jobs.

I want to increase my Monthly Scorecard, Star Rating, Monthly Capacity or Acceptance Rate- What can I do?  

Taking on and successfully completing more work in a timely fashion displays your capacity to handle more work, be sure to proactively claim more jobs and tackle them with diligence in order to increase your Monthly Scorecard, Star Rating or Monthly Capacity.

A higher Scorecard rating directly translates to increased Monthly Capacity and greater earning potential for you!


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