California - Closing Post-Judgment Services

File the Proof with the Sheriff

After having successfully served the garnishment or levy, a proof will be generated and emailed to you. You will need to print two copies of the proof and sign each with a blue ink pen.

Don't send these to us just yet, as they still need to be filed with the sheriff.

Your Second Trip to the Sheriff

Return to the Sheriff's Civil Division Office (the same place where you opened the order) within five days and:

  1. File both proofs you printed off and signed (the sheriff will keep one for their records).
  2. File the Original Writ of Execution.

It is necessary to file these documents with the sheriff's office within 5 days of the service.

Within 5 day, no border

Once Closed With the Sheriff

Scan and send the signed and stamped proof you have to

And now you can rest easy. The job is complete.